About French Twisted Woman

Hello, Bonjour, Bienvenue, and Welcome –

The blog name came about because A) I wear my hair in a French Twist, on occasion; B) I love French Style; and C) my husband, some of my friends, and definitely my kids, will tell you that I am a bit twisted at times.  But in a fun this-is-how-we-would-do-it-if-we-were-living-in-France way, not in a bad way!

I am a former PR/Marketing professional who took the leap 10 years ago and left the corner office with windows in the city to stay at home with the kids in the woods – and I haven’t looked back since.  Much.

My plan is to share photos, stories, recipes, style ideas, and more of my attempts to hang on for dear life to my French Style and memories of Paris and Provence, while living life in the woods of Pennsyltucky.  Bienvenue!

I hope you’ll share the journey with me.  Enjoy!


19 thoughts on “About French Twisted Woman”

  1. viviennemackie said:

    Hi, I’m happy to find your blog and will follow it with interest. We too are Francophiles, who lived there briefly and still return whenever we can.
    I’ll be very glad if you check out my blog occasionally too—it has French stuff, but not exclusively.

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Did you notice I’m a French native? Oh, and a marketing professional too. How funny.

    • No, I hadn’t noticed that you were a French native and a marketer, too but I did go back and find that in your blog. Would you please send me the link to your marketing site? And yes, everything gets easier as the kids get older, but savor the moments, even the not-so-easy ones, because they are gone so quickly.

  3. I share your passion for the good life and all things French — and look forward to reading more, getting to know you. Merci!

  4. What a lovely and interesting blog you have! Beautiful! Thanks for stopping by on my blog and for your lovely comments. 🙂

  5. What a wonderful place I ended up on here … will be to stay around.

  6. Hi there, I have taken the liberty to nominate you to the Kreativ Blogger Award – because I enjoy your company … hope you don’t mind. – http://wp.me/p293Pw-2bm

  7. Your Blog is wonderful. Thank you for loving so much my country at talking so well of it 😉

    PS: visit mine at http://www.playingwithscarves.wordpress.com and let me know 😉

    • Bonjour! Je l’aime les écharpes, aussi. Les seuls jours que je ne porte pas une écharpe est en l’été quand c’est très, très chaud. Alors, c’est une “French Twist” et une robe de soleil, mais je peux avoir une écharpe liée à ma sac. Oui, j’essaie parler bien de France, mais quelquefois, ma traduction n’est pas si bon. Je pense que je fais beaucoup d’erreurs. Merci pour me visiter ici. Bonne chance avec votre livre. ~FTW

  8. I’m loving your blog! You have a new follower. We love France too so I will follow you with delight. 🙂

  9. Hi ! I am an American living in France. Just started a healthy living blog. Came across a recent tweet of yours and your blog ! Really enjoyed seeing this side of things… Life can be so funny sometimes ! Look forward to reading !

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