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We woke up to a dusting of snow this morning, a very thin blanket of white.  It’s so soft and calm outside in the woods, before the sun, the birds, and the kids are up.  It is blissful, at least for the moment.

I opened the door just before dawn to let the dog out and had to go back and grab my camera.  I hope that I haven’t lost all of the beauty in the photograph (it’s always better in person), but if you look closely, you can see the reflection of the porch light in some of the flakes.  It was a sparkling snow.

Snow on the Porch Just Before Dawn

Can you see the ones that sparkle?  It was a simple, insignificant snowfall, but these glitttering snowflakes reminded me to look for the beauty.   (They also reminded me of diamonds, which are sparkly and beautiful, too.)

Close-up of the Snow

And here is a super close-up where I have circled the really sparkly ones, in case you missed them.

Close-up of the Sparkles

Look for the ones that sparkle today – the people, places and little things that add the joie de vivre* to your life.  And take time to discover and appreciate them.

Life is beautiful.  Some people, places, and things just remind you of that more often than others.  Where will you find the sparkle and the joie de vivre in your life today?


*Joie de vivre – Literally joy of living; cheerful, exuberant, hearty or carefree enjoyment of life